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"manga website" [Answer]
07 06,2021
true btw   reply
07 06,2021
"manga website" [Answer]
aphrodite's wife 07 06,2021
isn't this a place to talk about non-manga shit anyways, the area to talk about manga is on the other side of mangago   reply
07 06,2021
"manga website" [Answer]
07 06,2021
lmfao idfk they think just bc we're on an illegal website we can't call out popular users or any user for their disgusting behavior EDIT: but I don't think harassing people is ok, or sending them death threats/doxxing them. That's too far..   reply
07 06,2021
Also the people who decide to block you and then try and talk to you need to fuck off as well because your “I didn’t block you” is a fucking lie we know it you know it you’re not fooling anyone fuck off you blocked them for a reason even if you’ve NEVER spoken to them so how about not trying to talk to them when you didn’t even unblock ......   reply
07 06,2021
"manga website" [Answer]
07 06,2021
what was the forum even suppose to be used for   reply
07 06,2021
"manga website" [Answer]
07 06,2021
07 06,2021
"manga website" [Answer]
bodyodyodyodyody 07 06,2021
RIGHT, but I say that when I see bitches fighting because someone liked one manga someone else didn't or something stupid etc   reply
07 06,2021
"manga website" [Answer]
Syrupy Pancake 07 06,2021
Nailed it   reply
07 06,2021


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