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I feel like Shit

Yanah1412 Yanah1412 2021-06-10 09:00:11 About question
My Dad just got angry at me for no valid reason at all and I feel like a huge pile of shit. I feel like I'm being labeled as their child who has achievements and if you take my achievements away I'm a useless human being. I just want to go away.


Takkunたく June 10, 2021 9:16 am

You’re not shit, but I understand it though. I’m in the same position-ish. When I moved schools due to covid I struggled because I was really uncomfortable at home (trauma probably, my family is really toxic) and I couldn’t focus at all. I only got above average grades and they all started to treat me like shit. Constantly comparing me to other kids, constantly asking me what happened to me and why I turned out like ‘this’, telling me how much of a burden I am, scolding me when I try to rest, etc. I realized then that without my achievements I’m nothing to them. I only focused on my achievements before to make my family proud but once those disappeared they started ignoring me and unless they needed something from me they treat me like I’m not even there, so yeah thats why we should ‘achieve’ things apart from academical stuff like relationships so they don’t trample all over us when those academic achievements disappear. I know how bad it feels I hope you feel better soon :’(

WeebGirl101 June 10, 2021 9:10 am

i dunno why people have kids if they just want to make them feel like shit after, or make them feel like they're a burden. its not the kids fault that they were born. You are your own person, so hang in there fella, you are doing amazing and we love you~

rayha June 10, 2021 9:05 am

Are those what you call tiger parents? Anyways parents suck a lot sometimes. If they can't see you for what you're worth you don't have to value them either.

Chunta June 10, 2021 9:03 am

I can't with toxic parents-
But hang in there buddy.
Once you make money move out!!!

Oh shit- June 10, 2021 9:03 am

Hun, your not a piece of shit and whoever's says otherwise should crawl up in a hole and burn to death



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