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dating [Answer]
kkmiyabi 15 09,2019
I was bullied really badly and went through C-PTSD after being neglected by aftercare workers for months when I was 9 years old. I had a guy threaten to tell on me for sticking up the middle finger in self defense without knowing what it meant becuase another kid stuck it up at me. I layed on the ground and was beaten for 5-15 minuites by this boy ......   1 reply
15 09,2019
dating [Answer]
moonquartz 12 09,2019
I'm someone who never been bullied badly or had much of a love life but... Because of your bullying from boys, you've developed fear and hatred towards them. The sad truth is that many are bullied as well, and it doesn't make your situation easier to accept. However, there are also many many good men out there. Maybe you haven met them. But rathe......   3 reply
12 09,2019
dating [Answer]
GoldenScale 12 09,2019
I've been bullied a lot when I was in elementary school and I feel like I could have been in a similar situation, but I've personally decided to let it go. The boys that bullied me were kids and they didn't fully understand that it was hurting me. I wouldn't even be mad at them if I saw them again. (Though I still held a grudge for a few years.) I......   3 reply
12 09,2019