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My story, hahahaha

Purr_meow Purr_meow 2021-06-23 12:48:28 About when did u first fall in love
I had fallen in love with my childhood friend...
I am a guy and i had a guy who i was close to when i was still in my early childhood. He has a bit vulgar personality, but overall, a nice kid in front of others. I thought that it was only admiration at first, however, when i hit 7th grade, thats when i notice something different in me. I get flushed whenever when we are alone, but not when someone is around. My heart suddenly beat fast when he gets too close, and before i knew it, my eyes were mostly directed to him. I dont know what will you call it, but to me, i call it love. This love story of mine is kinda sad since he was straight and the first person to broke me out of my introverted personality. The saddest thing was, when i saw him again, he was already in a relationship with one of my bestfriends. (though, they do not know this story since im afraid to ruin such relationships)...


Hisoka's runaway pp June 23, 2021 12:50 pm



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