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ayeee im a badaaassss

yuu yuu 2021-06-23 13:16:37 About when did u first fall in love
i was 5 when i first fall in love. i didn't know mah friend liked my crush too cuz i'm not really talkative about my secrets, i didn't tell him my feelings so a month passed by and i only found out they were dating . I have this rose gold ring so I lent my friend that ring cuz those two said they were getting maried LMAO, after their wedding she gave it back cuz she's a true bitch eheee. I was there focusing on my studies not getting affected cuz i'm dense af. Then afternoon came suddenly I felt frustration so I pulled the towel my classmate was chewing then his tooth was pulled out too LMAOOO he didn't cry x2 he's still finding his tooth and I was like 'ok idc bout this shit lemme study' BUT THIS BITCH outted me to the teacher so I was scolded and faced the wall. Only to find out he did that to get my attention cuz he like me ;-; I still don't know how to react as a kid so MF said I like him too *-*.

This is so hilarious so I shared it here LMAOO let me laugh BYE-
here's a meme for those who don't give a fuck.