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[DELETED] [DELETED] 2021-06-26 05:23:23 About when did u first fall in love

Since most of yaoi is based in Japan, Korea, or China, which have homophobic societies, usually you see this in it.

One of the main couple will be talking to someone about his lover and say something like this. "They mean everything to me." or "I don't want them out of my life" because they can't exactlly say "He means everything to me" in case of homophobia.

The receiving person, no matter how they portray the "they"'s gender, knows that it is singular (most of the time unless its poly) And gets that. And it doesnt matter if that person is transphobic, homophobic, cause either way they know that the "they" in question is one person, the MCs love interest/partner.

So explain something to me. Why, if even in fucking yaoi, even if we speak it every day life when we don't know someone's gender, like most of the above text I was talking about the receiving end.

If we use that everyday, and it's shown in yaoi, why can people still not comprehend the simple fact that SOMETIMES they/them is singular, and just because I am "nothing because there are only two genders girl and boy" according to my mother, does not mean she can pull a line like this on me no matter what she believes in. If I told her I made a new friend she might ask "oh are they a girl or a boy?" and if she was a nice person if i said "they are nonbinary" she might say "Oh, cool. if you ever want THEM to come over let me know i want to meet THEM"

It is not always plural dumbasses we see it everyday its not that fucking difficult.

Thank you for your time *dramatic bow and exits scene*


KameMochi June 26, 2021 5:27 am

see the reason behind this is because yaoi is basically fetish work. Its produced for straight women by straight women (and of course there are many exceptions, but im just saying it as it is). They wont say he because they dont care about japans political agenda they just want to wank it off to home hot boy shit.

Setton June 26, 2021 5:28 am

uhhhh thats worse tf