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im so fucking confused

Klengkleng Klengkleng 2021-07-03 10:08:37 About be lgbtq
so ive been in the closet for like 5 years and i dont plan on coming out yet until i get into a relationship, but my dad would constantly tease me about liking people of the same sex and being in a relationship with them when we talk about romance and shit but when i give a hint about my sexuality, he would immediately dismiss it and call me "straight for now" like huh??? do you want me to come out?? or do you just accept any sexuality besides straight as long as its a "joke", and not a part of your child's identity??


im gonna be straight with you March 16, 2024 5:57 pm

Try to test it out by telling how your friend got into a homo relationship to see how they react. If good, later, when opportunity comes try to joke about you being in a homo relationship in the future. Ex.
Parents: what's most important is that your spouse is rich and good looking ok? Hahaha
You(let's assume you a female): haha so it's ok if I date and marry a girl as long as she's rich and good looking? Are you sure dad/ mom? Haha - and see their response

Because sometimes a joke is just a joke to them or they treat other people differently that their own child. Like, it's ok if other kids gæ but not their own. So try to probe hoe they'll feel if YOU SPECIFICALLY get into a homo relationship

psyche July 3, 2021 10:16 am

oh damn my mom does the exact same thing bruh
gl w ur dad LMFAO