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Help me!! :((

Mari Mari 2021-07-11 02:53:18 About genshin impact
Since the inazuma trailer was out, I want gorou so bad that I must save primogems for him but He's still in the process and some leakers said that he's a 5 star and some said he's a 4 star, and no announcements of his banner too and 1st anniversary is coming up.

Should i pull for kazuha (I'm guaranteed tho) and pull for gorou if ever his banner comes or save primos for gorou?

I want kazuha too :(( but i can't choose!


guqinana July 11, 2021 2:57 am

gorou prob won't be out for a while so i'd say pull for kazuha if you're guaranteed! there's still a lot of time to save