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found out my sister's a cheater

SAIKA SAIKA 2021-07-14 20:02:37 About first kiss
LMFAO so i was the last one in my family to find out apparently, but my sister was caught sexting randos online by her husband, who told my mum. my sister, her husband, and their son live with my mum and i, so my mum threatened to kick her out of the house - and let the husband stay obvs - if she ever did something like that again.

i honestly don't know how i feel about her, i've never been close to her or her husband, so it's not like i feel particularly bad?? like i feel sorry for the guy but only on the level a stranger is. i mostly just found it funny tbh, but only because of the fact that i literally live with them and i had no idea about it (CHEATING IS NOT FUNNY FOLKS, DON'T DO IT). even my other sister, who doesn't even live with us, found out before me lmfao. i guess that just shows my observational skills; or highlights the fact that i never leave my room for long enough to feel the tension

so yeah, i didn't even like my sister that much beforehand, now my respect for her has dipped even lower. she tried to play the victim in the situation too - SHE was upset that he found out, which is just absurd to think about.

i lowkey want her to cheat again, just to cause more drama. THIS IS JUST A FLEETING THOUGHT, FYI. i do not want their relationship to fall apart, seeing as they have a son and i don't want to harm my nephew in any way. it's just... nothing dramatic has happened in my family recently, and in a morbid sense i would get entertainment out of this. AGAIN, DO NOT CHEAT UNLESS YOU WANNA BE SCORNED BY ALL THOSE AROUND YOU. this is more of an intrusive thought than anything, and i'm definitely glad she hasn't been doing anything shady as of late. RIP her if she ever gets caught again though, since my mum won't hesitate to boot her ass out.

first kiss

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