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Holy shit thank you! As a woman poc myself it's not that hard to treat everyone with the same basic respect at first. Because you really don't know a person just from their sex and race.   reply
17 07,2021
ong "haha cracker" "discharge" its so fucking mean for no reason why are people like this, imagine this was said to another ethnicity, and dont bring up the shit "white privilege" or "its different" because its not, its not hard to treat another person with dignity and respect. they always preach "equality for all" not when you act like that you pi......   5 reply
17 07,2021
It’s not a personality trait but doing it sure is fun   1 reply
17 07,2021
i agree, its ok to be wary of a dudette if they are white or a dude just seeing as how the world is, but hating on them for straight up existing if they haven't done something to warrant it on a personal level ain't ok man. Also, if you just hate on a person for being white/a man and dont bring attention to any of the issues indigenous peoples, bl......   3 reply
17 07,2021
its fun doe   reply
17 07,2021
Not all men are bad (fuck the #notallmen movement though) but there are many bad men There might be a lot of ignorant or prejudiced white people but that doesn't mean all of them are There are a lot of feminists(are they even feminists if they hate on other women just for dating men?) that make feminism look bad but most feminists are not misandr......   reply
17 07,2021
This is so random, I never heard of this before. Why is the op suddenly mentioned this?   1 reply
17 07,2021
well, I don't hate them   reply
17 07,2021
I’m not white so I couldnt care less but the jokes are just repetitive and unfunny it hurts   1 reply
17 07,2021
Are you white quick   2 reply
17 07,2021

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