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Agreed, ALM is a reactionary concept that was made only to take the spotlight away from the BLM movement and the legitimate issues they're fighting against   reply
22 07,2021
I agree wit whatchu said, alm was made by scrawny ass orange yt pressed crackers to make it about them because they felt left out and unwanted.   reply
22 07,2021
Agree. ALM wouldn’t exist if BLM didn’t. Kinda funny when you think about people protesting that ALM exist. Like ok Karen do you want to get fucked over by the system too? Ya want to be mauled on sight, suspected of always being a perp, thrown racial slurs to high heavens and not receive any justice? Because that’s some of the issues as to wh......   reply
22 07,2021
i take on BLM but i still can't understand what MLM means,, isn't it Muslim Lives Matters?? cuz y'all said about fetishes and all and I thought ALM is Asian Lives Matters before   1 reply
22 07,2021
Tbh as a bystander , I think BLM is a great movement as people of color indeed need to be protected from the abuse and oppression brought upon by those people who think highly of themselves and think poorly of others. However, there are SOME people who claim to "support" but doesn't really understand what the movement really is for and some just re......   reply
22 07,2021


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