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From someone with a licence, its really not that hard lol. People walk like they drive and drive like they walk and even cars have body language. Learn it and respond to it accordingly. After you get it you don't even need to use it fr.   reply
30 07,2023
Bro you don’t wanna be that guy that their friends make fun of for being the only one who can’t drive. I’m also practicing for my drivers test and I’m scared too but we can do it!!!   reply
04 08,2023
Damn you really gonna be like that one family friend's son I know. He makes his mom who by the way is in her seventies (yes, she is in her seventies he is the miracle child apparently) drive his butt to work on a daily basis (and it's just a 15-17minute drive the only reason why I know is because I had to drive him once). He is 23 now. Are you goin......   reply
04 08,2023
I haven’t gotten mine yet either…. but I’m making myself get it by the end of next month!! I agree, people on the roads these days are no joke…   reply
29 07,2023


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