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dad would always say he would strangle me or bash my head through the wall when he got angry. he never did (I lied he did once) but it still scared me shitless nonetheless. put a huge strain on our relationship   1 reply
24 10,2023
"let's play boyfriend and girlfriend" I'm not gonna say what happened after that but I was 6 and she was my grandma. Lol why do these pedos all have this creative way of making shit sound normal just so we can have an existential crisis about it later for the rest of our life?????   2 reply
24 10,2023
my piano teacher rubbed and gripped my thigh   3 reply
24 10,2023
When I was young and I was just getting into anime and fandom, and started to get into shipping, I pretty much had no standards as to what is normal and what isn't. Like I was just shipping what was popular at the time, without realizing some of the ships are... Not it. Like Sebastian x Ciel, Yato x Yukine. I really just didn't think it was wrong. ......   1 reply
23 10,2023
so real how my sperm donor had me sleep with him until i was 14 (only bc i finally got out at that age/ it was split custody) only to have the rest of my childhood be emotionally neglected and in fear that my mom and her bf (now husband) would one day start being physically abusive instead of the mind shit they gave me that couldnt be overlooked b......   4 reply
24 10,2023
I thought that being beaten for doing something wrong was the norm till i grew up and met people who wasn’t   reply
23 10,2023
Bullying the people you care about, like I always thought it was teasing and stuff and that meant you were close, but as I grow up I realise that stabbing people with their worst moments as jokes isn't a good way to show love and is just how asshole brothers and fathers act. Oh and the SA but like you know that took like a decade+ for my brain to ......   reply
24 10,2023
Reading smut at 9 becuz of this site this might be normal for people on here tho LOL   1 reply
24 10,2023
Getting put in an empty, kinda dark room in kindergarten every time I cried   1 reply
24 10,2023
i want to tell everyone is this section that it will be ok. i hope that you are all alright and safe and sound, if not just know that life will get better. im sorry that life was harsh on you like this because no child deserves to be treated like this. you didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault. A child cannot do anything to deserve this. YO......   reply
24 10,2023

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