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I found out something yesterday

Neo Neo 2020-03-19 15:06:30 About helping with problems
So like recently my dad has been sad and talking about how he wants our family to stay together even though i didnt think we were having any problems and around 4 days ago we were at a restaurant and while my mom went to the bathroom he just said he was sad and we kept asking why But he wouldnt tell us why so we just dropped it cause he told us to not tell mom anything from the conversation when she got back and the next day before he went to work he just kept talking about how he hopes we can stay as a family and i kept thinking about it and i just didn't know what to think. So yesterday my dad had finally told me why he’s been acting weird. My mom has been cheating on him for 3 months and he just found out 2 weeks ago because he saw her with another man. I don’t know what to do at all. My dad says he still loves my mom and wants to be with her. I never thought anything like this would ever happen and I never thought my mom would do something like this. I feel so sad and I can’t stop crying. I love my mom so much and she never seemed like the kind of person who would do something like this. My feelings are all jumbled and I don’t know what to think. My younger siblings don’t know what’s going on. It’s just that yesterday was the first day I had ever seen my dad cry. I feel betrayed by mom. Was she going to hide it from us forever? She’s at home acting as if nothings wrong and she doesn't know that i know. My dad told me i couldn't tell anyone, so instead i come to some website and pathetically tell my feelings here. Sorry if i have typos or something i didn’t proofread this. Bye


LilTinyVamp March 19, 2020 5:00 pm

I remember feeling like that. I may say don’t confront her about it, cuz she might just lie to your face and that hurts even more. Wait until your dad does it, or you both do it together. This is a matter between just your parents. It might hurt for you too, and you might feel betrayed, but your mom is at least still being your mom right? I hope that doesn’t change for you. But I know those feelings are gonna linger for a while (I don’t remember how long until I got over it). You should just talk to and support your dad. That might help sort your feelings out and hopefully it’ll make him feel a bit better. I don’t know if any of that helps or makes you feel better

Neo December 6, 2020 2:37 am

Hi, thank you for taking your time to respond. I’m sorry I never responded back. It’s been a while since I posted this and my mom still doesn’t know that I know. I’m not sure if shes still talking to the guy. My dad told me that she said she would stop talking to the guy but then my dad had found out that she had called the guy even after saying that. I still think about it a lot and I hope that she’s stopped talking to him now.

Naynay March 19, 2020 4:56 pm

It sure hurts a lot. In my country, there is this particular religion that allow men to have more than one wife. When my friend is at junior high she has a female private tutor whom she often met at the mall because her father told her that if she study at the mall she can go refreshing after the study session. Little did she know her father cheating with her tutor in front of her eye. Her father even have a child with her tutor and make her his second wife. Her mom got stressed and lose a lot of weight but she still doesn't want to divorce him, she says it's because she still love him and she thinks that my friend still needs a father figure. Her father invite her mom his second wedding (approval from the first wife is “sometimes necessary” for a man to have a second wife) but my friend doesn't want to see her mom crying, so instead of her mom she went to the wedding with her mom's twin sister. She's holding her tears and thoughten herself so she can go home as fast as possible to comfort her mom. I think in your position right now it's the best for you to thoughten yourself first, then try to console your dad to make him feel like he is not alone in this. I hope you can deal with this situation and keep on going forward in your life

Neo December 6, 2020 2:39 am

Thank you so much for your response. I hope that your friend and her mom are doing better now and i wish them the best.

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