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Ok i think I really have an opinion different than the others here but like- why does it matter? Like shipping is a part of any fandom, if you don’t ship that’s fine. Sane shippers (cause there’s some out there that are crazy) don’t actually care if their ships becomes « real » or « canon ». They don’t even care enough if they’......   2 reply
08 11,2023
its not my fault men put their whole soul into writing tragically beautiful stories of male comradery but portray the female love interest as just a blob of boobs   reply
13 11,2023
08 11,2023
ong bro so many girls are just obsessed with this shit, like esp in the genshin fandom there's a lot of characters that are insanely popular ships that have literally interacted like once   4 reply
08 11,2023
09 11,2023
I am going to be honest, male MCs usually have better chemistry with their friends than they do with their female love interest and the FL has more chemistry with HER friend than she does with the MC, LMFAO. Authors simply don't know how to generate good chemistry with the a male/female relationship. Also, I am SO tired of people complaining abou......   reply
09 11,2023
the switch up is crazy n its not even that they dont mind they WANT that shit to happen they cant read anything without wanting to see gay sex   reply
08 11,2023
chlorine 09 11,2023
Okay . . . What do you want us to do about it? You'll get over it   1 reply
09 11,2023
09 11,2023
i usually dislike the female love interest bc they r there for fanservice and their writting is ass or are insanely annoying. Persoanlly i don't do it that often (sometimes friends r friends) but theres certain stories where i do think the mc and another male character make a nice ship but thats just me, believe me you'll get over it not the first ......   reply
09 11,2023
Imo, you see this more often because women are most likely to be very active in fandom related stuff. For example, in shipping, majority that take part are women yeah? It's also likely these women are also artists, combine being an artist(drawing/writing) plus being a shipper. Yeah. We basically saturate the fandom tags with ship arts cus we're the......   1 reply
09 11,2023
Gris 09 11,2023
Reasons why shipping is fucking torture 101: comments like these. Look, I get it, alright? Of course you would've assumed that when someone ship an action male lead and his best friend, it's fetishizing. But you wrote it yourself, they said they have great chemistry, so let people ship them regardless??? If they work well together as a couple, then......   reply
09 11,2023
Idc if people enjoy using their imagination to get a good “what if” scenario going. They are just 2D characters and besides that, some authors create excellent male characters but struggle to not simply use the FCs for fan service. If the fans were always choosing some random FC to ship you seem the sort who would crap on that too. Perhaps yo......   reply
09 11,2023

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