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Manga rec of the day p3: ACTION , GAME LIKE , SMART MC

Anyonecrazylikeme Anyonecrazylikeme 2023-12-10 07:58:16 About question
Name: pick me up
Link :

Additional pc : geniunely try it out , its rly good. There's no bimbo and honestly yea there are females but they aint clingy and each have their own role , dont be mysognistic and not read it cuz he has female comrades

In the mobile gacha game infamous for its atrocious difficulty, , the Master ranked 5th in the world, 'Loki', loses consciousness while raiding the Dungeon. 'What? I'm a game character now?' After waking up, 'Loki' realizes he has turned into a Level 1, 1-Star Hero—'Han Yslat'. To return to Earth, he must lead the newbie Master and heroes and clear the 100th floor of the Dungeon! 'You messed with the wrong guy.' This is the story of hard carrying by Master Loki who never accepts even a single defeat.
Infinite Gacha manhwa

Rating 10/10

Romance: idt there will be any


[黄] ₙ ₑ ₖ ₒ December 10, 2023 11:42 am

This shi so underrated ong

Anyonecrazylikeme December 10, 2023 11:58 am

Yea seriously