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Skool is evil :( Skool is evil :( 2020-04-12 04:50:00 About fall for a same sex person
I’m still not sure what defines romantic attraction, but I think she was my first love. I was a little kid and she was probably a high schooler, but we met in a crusty, small church in the middle of downtown LA. I was shy and angsty when meeting the other kids, so I often kept to myself there. But her, being the oldest one there, asked me if I was feeling okay and that I should hangout with the other kids. I eventually overcame my angstyness and play with all of them.

I remember being extremely fond of the older girl in particular and I believe she saw me as a cute little sister. I would energetically talk to her with animated motions and cling to her like a baby seal. Though, I was never the first to start any of our conversations because I was awkward. I liked to look at her facial features like her lips and nose, but never her eyes because I would feel flustered for stuff, like she could see my mind or some other dumb reason. That’s also why every time we talked, I would absolutely never look at her eyes. Ugh cringe.

It was only a short while I stayed in that church, but even after all these years, I remember the tone of her voice being comforting to me. And although I hate to say this, I was also clearly attracted to her large chest, which I recall better then her face. (  ̄_ ̄||)

Was it love? Idk I dunno. But if it was, that would explain my taste toward gentle, older women with curves. Oof


wu-senpai April 12, 2020 7:45 pm

I think you just admire her beauty :)


Skool is evil :('s other experiences