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I made a Youtube Channel based on Yaoi

GrumpyGamix GrumpyGamix 2020-04-15 12:43:31 About made a youtube channel
Hey guys!

I recently created a Youtube channel where I do a variation of things based on BL ( yaoi )
I'n a collector who owns over 4000 manga books, which include a large variety of; Out of Print, Hard to Find and beautiful Yaoi items.
I am now doing some opening mails, but I plan on doing more soon.
Once I reach 100 subscribers, I will do a Room Tour.

Am I the Largest Yaoi Collector in the World?
I don't know, you tell me.

Here's the link:


ThatGayChicken May 11, 2020 1:29 am

So um...what is the sauce


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