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Hiding my otaku hobbies

Tired... Tired... 2020-04-22 03:12:48 About hide your otaku hobbies
I Cant say I hide it on purpose but I would say I'm definitely a closet weeb. Anyone else?


Malphas April 22, 2020 4:42 am

I hide it, when I was younger (13-15) liking anime was weird especially for a girl, thou at that age my parents were kinda ok with it (they didn't liked it but they weren't against me watching it) but once I entered college I was "too old to still like those cartoons" so I left it for a couple of years, but you can never escape otaku hell, once you're in you're always there. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 lol (≧∇≦) and so with time I recovered the lost time and now is worse hahah but yeah not a lot of people irl know about how much of a hardcore otaku I am.

hiurgaye April 22, 2020 3:35 am

i am not that much of a closet weeb but if you meet me i would seem like a normal person,but the more you get to know me my otaku deep dark side