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21 03,2024
With how often the topic of fujoshis appear like every week, I'm convinced ppl only do this to rage bait, start drama, and generate toxicity. Literally, with how much you guys talk about fujoshis, I'm beginning to believe ya'll are just obsessed or in love with them fr. If I was a mangago mod I'd literally ban this topic bc it's so fucking annoying......   reply
21 03,2024
20 03,2024
i love them, i need a fujo gf immediately   1 reply
20 03,2024
11 04,2024
so much fujophobia in these replies. we need a revolution   3 reply
11 04,2024
alex ☠ 20 03,2024
whenever proud fujoshis talk on this site I just think of charlie browns teacher talking since thats all they do   1 reply
20 03,2024
21 03,2024
How many times are people going to bring up this topic? We already know people hate them, lmao. We have so many of this threads full of people who have a visceral hate for them as if they killed their dogs. It really feels like people bring this up to rage bait. Either ways, Fujoshi wasn't a word that was coined by women who read BL anyways, it wa......   reply
21 03,2024
Thalia 11 04,2024
i think calling yourself a fujo is weird but its so funny watching ppl try to do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that they arent a gay porn enjoyer on THE gay porn comic website like....... "oh i like yaoi just not in that way" like ??????? just enjoy the porn and move on   1 reply
11 04,2024
Kaban! 20 03,2024
I'm neutral on fujoshis but there are some that really aren't good people lol like a decent amount of em are homophobic even in modern day and only like gay men in fiction. On the other hand I love himejos and I want a himejoshi gf ngl. One thing that pisses me off in addition to that double standard between fictional and real gay men... fujos tha......   reply
20 03,2024
getoswomb 21 03,2024
i mean you could just leave them the fuck alone and let women have hobbies? idk it depends on you tbh   reply
21 03,2024
20 03,2024
I think most of the people who were anti-fujoshi a few years ago (me being one of them) grew up/matured. Ain’t nothing wrong with liking BL, people who say otherwise are just gatekeeping ATP. Ofc there are the fujoshi’s who give the chill ones bad rep (aka the homophobic ones, or ones that turn it into an obsession and start drooling over actu......   1 reply
20 03,2024
Astilbe 21 03,2024
As long as they dont call themselves one they’re usually chill. But if they do you probably need a restraining order   reply
21 03,2024

not having a boyfriend

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