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There is dumb people and smart people in every generation. So no I don’t think everyone is collectively getting dumber, in fact people are becoming more well aware because of the internet. Sadly the dumb people have platforms to spread their dumbassery now, so they're more noticeable than before   reply
04 04,2024
yes its the government's fault and the way they manipulate us through 5G waves!! REMEMBER TO WEAR THE TIN FOIL HATS Y'ALL THE GOVIRNMNT WONT GET US!!   1 reply
04 04,2024
They're just getting louder   reply
04 04,2024
Yes, because of tiktok   reply
04 04,2024
Maybe people have always been this way but since technology made communication more accessible, we're able to meet more dumb people compared to 50 years ago.   reply
04 04,2024
Of course, they are In America, it started with no child left behind once that was implemented it started to go downhill. Children are barely learning how to spell, adults are validating these kids to not try at all. Hell-- the adults are trying to fight the teachers because their child is DUMB. They love no child left behind because they were dumb......   1 reply
04 04,2024
No, this isn't Idiocracy, tf?? People don't fight for better education for nothing.   reply
04 04,2024
Yes, I certainly am   reply
04 04,2024
IS IT POSSIBLE TO HACK HUMAN BRAIN? Our brain is possible to influence combining sounds we hear with frequencies out the threshold of hearing. This study about magnetic resonance (fMRI) confirms influences of subliminal and supraliminal stimuli and activation of our very important cognitive-behavioral nerve centers (anterior cingulate complex (ACC......   2 reply
04 04,2024
Yes   reply
04 04,2024


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