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i had one in 7th grade (ages 12-13) that tried to manipulate me into committing suicide lol. she basically manipulated and verbally/psychologically abused me until i was super depressed and also convinced i was in love with her so that i would do whatever she wanted. she'd always make references about how 'the world would be better without me' and......   2 reply
04 02,2021
well, i left the toxic friendgroup that i was in, so yay me   reply
05 02,2021
Its that toxic when you don't know what you were doing to the people surrounding you like when you know your friend have also have a close friends but that friend doesn't have time to talk to them because you always take her time and when you're having conversation with that friend and also with her close friends, you always not intentionally cut t......   reply
01 07,2020
I just recently had a toxic friend in school (she's a classmate) and she had a good image so at first I wanted to get close to her. Some time later she had a fight with her friends (who's kinda toxic as well) and she went near my seat and I was happy that I was able to get close to her. But then time passed and I get to know her true nature. She's ......   1 reply
01 07,2020
When you're too close and invested in that relationship like most people are, it would be almost impossible to tell...   1 reply
01 07,2020
Yes. We were friends for probably close to a dozen years. She struggled with a variety of mental health issues. When she needed a shoulder to cry on, mine was the shoulder she cried on. She had other friends for the fun times. Whenever she needed help I tried my best to help. I gave, and I gave, and I gave, and I swallowed my discomfort and let her......   1 reply
02 07,2020
Dude, I was pretty much the toxic friend. Growing up, me and my family moved a lot so I never really stayed in one friend group in less than two years. I never really grasped being apathetic or stuff like that and it made me bad with people, especially ones that’re younger that me. When my parents finally resigned, we were situated to one place a......   reply
05 02,2021
Ig yeah im still friends with my toxic friend only cause my other friends still wants to be friends. That toxic friend is literally trying to break us apart. Whenever she says something she always try to make us fight. I always scold my other friends for believing her. If laws arent prohibiting me, i would have punched her eventho she's twice my he......   1 reply
02 07,2020
Yes, yes I have and I remember how I never noticed how toxic and shady this bitch was. And because of her I don't talk to people other than my family ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
02 03,2021
I don't know if this is toxic or not, but... I have a friend in highschool. She's smart and popular in our class cuz she has many social groups. She copies my work most of the time, and if I don't let her copy, she would suddenly ignore me for a month and hang out with her other friends and start badmouthing me. I discovered that fact when I overhe......   1 reply
10 03,2021

having friends

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