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I just checked it out and the „art“ alone stopped me from reading it. Disaster avoided. Question though. Under what circumstances are they cheating? Is it because of the „heat“ or something?   1 reply
06 06,2020
oh my god the cheating is unbelievable.......anyone cheating on their pregnant spouse should be culled   reply
09 06,2020
Yeah I read it. But I immediately dropped it when when I got to the cheating part. For me, cheating is a no-go. Especially if sex(or even just thinking about it) is involved. I absolutely despise what they did in the story and I just couldn't bring myself to read any longer. So ultimately, I decided to stop reading it cause I've been having serious......   1 reply
05 06,2020
omg what is this about? im curious hehehe   1 reply
05 06,2020
I just looked it up wow its... its bad. wow...   reply
06 06,2020
Y’all forgot that there was also rape involved too :> GOd HeLP mE   reply
12 10,2020

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