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I have a few

HorridReality HorridReality 2020-06-09 17:29:21 About getting piercings
I have an industrial and two lobe piercings on each side. Soon i will get to helix so i can later turn them to spikes and i will get a conch. I really want to get a tounge piercing but im not sure about that one.


Aobasan June 10, 2020 1:23 am

Main thing to think bout with tongue piercings is wear and tear on your teeth and the health of your mouth. If you’ve had issues in the past with oral health like cavities and root canals or anything like that I would say don’t get one as it could make things worse.
If you do want one, the frenulum (tongue webbing) is a cool one. I have one and it doesn’t clank on my teeth unless I mess with it.
Pretty painless and no one knows I have it unless I want them to heh