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I want to but afraid in falling in love

lycha lycha 2020-06-20 20:03:54 About falling inlove
Im afraid to have love since ive seen my friends hurting because of it and it became i dont trust people saying they love me or anyone else, because i witness on how devastated they are when one of my friends broke up with their lover i think that i dont want to experience those things even though they called it as part of the process or the cycle of love thats the time the thought of maybe i dont need love on a person that is outside of my family or friends since they also gave me love why need it to some stranger to give it to me my love life is stable like i can crush on anyone and not expecting them to reciprocate it and its fine for me atleast it'll hurt les dont you think?, i know i may sound weird or strange to anyone its just my opinion and in opinions there are no right or wrong when expressing it .

falling inlove

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