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Maybe be honest and tell them how you feel. Friends should be understanding and try their best to make sure that everyone is feeling included and cared about. See what they say/how they respond and that should help you decide if you feel like a friendship with them is worth working on or if you no longer feel that way.   1 reply
23 06,2020
This happened to me and my best friend too. We started to drift apart when she made new friends, and it became awkward overtime as I tried to maintain my friendship with her when she had other people who I did not connect well with. Although our stories are different, the end result is the same: We are both drifting away from friends who we were cl......   1 reply
23 06,2020
I can relate to your experience, tho i just thought to myself that those 'friends' are somehow not the right people for you   1 reply
23 06,2020
Do you feel this when you are around them or just in your groupchat? You must understand that their are some substance in a persons attitude that is not reflected in most chatting application. Furthermore, chatting could never replace a physical conversation (at least for me). I have been there. I am a recent college graduate. I was the VP of a sc......   reply
12 07,2020
I have can somewhat understand how your feeling. I have a bestfriend who I always hanged out with. Then when she made more friends who she has a better connection with I sort of felt left out. We tried hanging out but we just kept on drifting further away. I love hanging out with her but I never know what to say and it sort of becomes awkward. (I t......   1 reply
23 06,2020

ending friendships

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