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" one sided love "

Paprika Paprika 2020-07-05 05:51:23 About the most pain you felt
back in high school.. .there's a new transfered student that I got closed with.. .then eventually I thought there's something special between me and him.. .( even my friends thought that so they said to him that he should confess ) I assumed that the feelings were mutual until he said that we should be friends for a while (kinda felt like we have to know more of each other) but after a few days he ended up having his way to one of my bestfriends.. .that's my first love.. .I never said a word to them I even pretend that nothing happen.. I kept it all to myself.. It so fucking hurt because I see them together everyday ( we are all in the same class until we graduate ).. .haha well my highschool life is a fucking rollercoaster ride.. .

the most pain you felt

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