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This lowkey makes me lose all faith in humans

boobeeboop boobeeboop 2020-07-13 23:56:53 About real life problems
so i was watching this video on hikikomoris when i entered this rabbit hole of.....i don't even know what to call it to be honest.... just this whole comment thread of really fucked up shit about women (imo) and alot of people seemed to agree with this persons' view on things. and i just wanna know am i crazy for being disgusted or am i just reacting like any sane person would.

Here are some small snipets of the things being said (this person wasn't trolling btw this is his genuine opinion):

the worst thing was how many people actually agreed with him and shared the same opinion:


ThatGayChicken July 14, 2020 12:18 am

that’s what a virgin looks like.

Becky07 July 14, 2020 12:02 am

They are INCELS for sure (or at least have the same mindset)

Hikikimori are just shut-in, it’s not linked to any ideology.


real life problems

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