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Cut Off A Toxic Friend

Saynon Saynon 2020-07-22 06:58:10 About toxic friends
I had a friend who I've known since 2/3rd grade. We didn't get super close till 6th grade when we literally had all classes together. She and my other friend didn't get along so when that other friend left me I was really left with only one friend. She just stopped talking to me for the rest of middle school but I guess I never really cared. It wasn't until I got into a summer program in high school when I would meet her again. We were roommates she was just the worst. We were working on a project together and she would always try to undermine me and talk about her way was the best way. She wanted to do the editing on the final project which was a video and so we let her and in the end she didn't even finish it so me and the rest of our group of 4 ppl had to present it instead of just showing a video. There was an incident where she threw my keys at me and swore cause of something I had no control over. I was already in a fragile state of mind because of stress and I was up front to her about all my issues. It just went to show that you can never trust someone who is irresponsible with your own problems. She just brought me to a really dark place so after the program ended I distanced myself from her and unsurprisingly she never contacted me anyways to this day have not regretted that decision at all.

toxic friends

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