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daddys dipshit's question (9)

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I've been reading the BL manga 'Boys Bad Romance' for a long time but the latest Mangago updater for it suddenly stopped updating. So, I wanna put my editing skills to use for once by updating the manga, unfortunately the raws are in Vietnamese and I do not speak it. Saying that, I need help. I could really use the assistance of someone who is willing to translate the script of the BL manga, even if it's for a few chapters only. I will give whoever that person is credit and treat them well, please consider this- it'd make me so happy. Please reply to this if you're interested, thanks! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
10 04,2021
I've been reading the BL manga 'Boys Bad Romance' for a long time but the latest Mangago updater for it suddenly stopped updating. So, I wanna put my editing skills to use for once by updating the manga, unfortunately the raws are in Vietnamese and I do not speak it. Saying that, I need help. I could really use the assistance of someone who is willing to translate the script of the BL manga, even if it's for a few chapters only. I will give whoever that person is credit and treat them well, please consider this- it'd make me so happy. Please reply to this if you're interested, thanks! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
10 04,2021
I'm kinda confused; why does Hiiragi apologise?
I just don't understand, did he do something wrong?
Please help
30 10,2020
I've been reading the BL manga 'Boys Bad Romance' for a long time but the latest Mangago updater for it suddenly stopped updating. So, I wanna put my editing skills to use for once by updating the manga, unfortunately the raws are in Vietnamese and I do not speak it. Saying that, I need help. I could really use the assistance of someone who is willing to translate the script of the BL manga, even if it's for a few chapters only. I will give whoever that person is credit and treat them well, please consider this- it'd make me so happy. Please reply to this if you're interested, thanks! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
10 04,2021
If something's bugging you- like, any thought or question or whatever- and you just need to get it out of your system, then, I'm all ears!

It doesn't matter what it is; deepest secrets, bad thoughts, illegal stuff, private hobbies, annoying queries, random bothering thoughts, etc.

And I also don't mind replying or not, if you want me to, I won't criticize you or give a big old lecture or anything of the sort- you can also ask me a follow-up question or whatever.

Please keep in mind that I'm just a random person who wants to help people who just needs somebody to talk to when there's an issue :)

Anyway, the choice is yours!
23 07,2020
So, I just realised that my favourite type of expression made on someone's face is an insane look- like, eyes wide, slightly flushed face and a crazy grin. I also kinda like when they have blood on their face or part of their body. Can I also mention their fucking laughs, like, my devil, I hella love their laugh! I'm just in love with crazy expressions, no matter what situation the person/inhuman. If they were in a murder or in a padded room or some shit I'd fucking simp for that crap. Anyway, what's your opinion on this, do you relate or think I'm a psycho (I'd take it as a compliment)? What's your favourite expression or do only weird-ass people have favourite expression?
14 08,2020
Y'all r talkin bout shoving perfectly fine fruit up your asses and now I'm questioning if I should too
20 08,2020
My friends and I are looking for new manga to translate, we don't really care what genre it is or what language it's originally in. So, if any of you guys out there want any manga translated so you can read it in English, just leave an answer to this question and my scan club will try to make your request happen! If you want any further details or have some questions for my group or myself, my Discord is in my bio :) Btw, you can also just text me for fun if you want, I welcome any chance of having new friends.
17 08,2020
Hey!!! So, since languages are a popular topic rn, I'm currently creating a Discord server for people who learn languages. It's not fully done yet, it'll probably take a few days, so, if you're interested, my Discord account is in my bio for anyone to add and I'll give you the link to the server when it's ready.
19 08,2020