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A bisexual man's answer (3)

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Kinks are all g unless you are sexualising gay people or minors or your "kink" is raping people. Then Fucking leave. That is not a kink : ) Those are real ass people Also nobody wants people fucking right Infront of their face in public or masturbating in public Not only is that gross thats also illegal so fuck off (Sorry for the swearing i am Au......   reply
20 04,2021
While I do like BL and Yaoi from time to time i do agree with your points. Irl when you're hanging out with weebs because y'all like anime there always tends to be a few girls who ask you really personal questions if you're in a relationship with the same sex. I, for example, have been asked waaaayyyy too many personal questions like "Whos the U......   1 reply
25 06,2020