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airin's experience (2)

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i am learning japanese till 2014(my age then is 12) now it's 2016(and now 13 because i started learning it after my birthday and my 2016 birthday hasn't came yet)it's just one year after i started it and i am still learning speaking in japanese and i am stuck at hiragana i learned many japanese words because of anime and japanese idols song(that is......   1 reply
18 04,2016
well since childhood i wanted to fly with angel or kuro tenshi wings i know it's not possible i just wanted to fly not aeroplane because if i am sitting in any sides i won't be able to see the other side that's why i will learn to fly glider just to see a bit of the world but i have other ambition too i will just do it for fun well i won't be compl......   reply
18 04,2016