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Yan's answer (5)

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hell naw, i dont like watching porn cuz its REAL HUMANS idk why but i feel uncomfortable watching real people having sex. well i like to listen to a boy's moan tho.   1 reply
19 02,2021
Yan 03 03,2021
well...same situation but i dont cry all the time i cry to vent all my anger from the depths of my heart...and i just calm myself by reading comics...ANYWAYS BE BRAVE AND KICK YOUR WEAKNESS'S ASS THEN EET ITTO THE TRASHCAN dont forgethat ur existence is important and thats all havea good day lol   reply
03 03,2021
about question
Yan 12 11,2023
omg thank you all!!   reply
12 11,2023
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my adorable demon cat   reply
03 07,2021
not having any ability   reply
15 06,2021