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emiya's answer (8)

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about question
i chuckled   4 reply
24 days
any bl set in the omegaverse... thinking about all those i read makes me wanna THROW UP   2 reply
29 days
i think id kill myself   reply
05 05,2024
why is this even here blud walked into the WRONG ASS SITE   reply
19 08,2023
honestly, all the ukes that i dislike or don't appeal to me have already been mentioned on here but i gotta say, i'm tired of the ukes that let themselves get trampled on by others and/or never fucking take the initiative, like bro, gimme some ANGRY and iNTERESTING fuckin ukes that will not take BULLSHIT from anyONE and will FEND FOR THEMSELVES   1 reply
25 08,2020
the entirety of the wolf children film   reply
04 09,2020
about question
lmao this is so crazy, well, i graduated high school, started university, mental health took a huge tumble and i am no longer the die hard fujoshi i used to be, in fact, reading yaoi makes me feel pretty uncomfortable nowadays unless its like a realistic depiction of how its supposed to be because most yaoi media is just fetishization of gay men, s......   reply
20 07,2023
05 05,2024