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RandomWeeb's answer (7)

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06 01,2021
uhhh, I love to read survival stories like Alice in Borderland and thought Dorei Yuugi was also a survival manga (technically?) Not really slave stuff mangas but I urge you to check out Tomodachi Game, Doubt, Btooom!, Gantz, Life is Money, Apocalypse no Toride, Shukuryou Jinrui   2 reply
06 01,2021
I regret choosing the engineering/architecture field (senior high), I totally wish I stayed in arts. UGHHHH   1 reply
07 01,2021
i can hear their voices in my head HAHAHAHA tell me I'm not the only one. P.s. I swear the seiyuss in the yaribu anime were spot on to what I imagined   reply
13 12,2020
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it'd be like that   reply
28 04,2021
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2d Megane boys I swear they're so CUTEEE. 3D boys are shit (well, except for some lovelies out there)   reply
07 01,2021
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07 01,2021
bad grammar (the translations i guess?) and oh I hate those girly ukes (the cross-dressing loli ones you see in a lot of doujins)   reply
07 01,2021