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Chokii's answer (3)

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My biggest fear would be worms. I can't even stand seeing a picture of them. I've had this fear for as long as I can remember. No specific event happened that made me fear them. I'm just really freaking scared of them. I also used to fear fireworks when I was little, but through the years I forced myself to not get scared of them and just "enjoy"......   reply
17 06,2019
Chokii 16 03,2020
Schools have suspended for a month, several cities in my country are under community quarantine so borders have been closed, streets getting deserted, curfew implemented, some establishments have been closed such as malls and banks. Only pharmacies, supermarkets, ATMs, hospitals are open in some places. Also, in cities with the most number of cases......   reply
16 03,2020
about penpals
Hiiii!!! I would love to be friends with you. I've always wanted to have somebody that I can talk to about yaoi and anime since I'm still a closet fujoshi so I don't really have anyone that I could talk to about these topics. I would also love to talk about life, share ideas and learn about cultures from other countries. Btw I'm also a 19 year old ......   reply
16 11,2017