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leah864's answer (6)

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did mans really get turned on by taking a shit--pls im so concerned   reply
05 02,2021
It was an insult coined by the board 2chan and then reclaimed by Japanese women who enjoyed reading boys love manga. Problems arise when you have part of that group who are actually homophobic, or unable to see actual gay men as anything BUT fab material and treat them poorly in real life. But fujoshi as a group is often very diverse, and have vari......   1 reply
20 02,2021
about worst sin
It says video currently unavailable   reply
23 02,2021
interesting   reply
20 02,2021
about worst sin
leah864 23 02,2021
Pls—r u a female or male—bcz chile idk how your v could handle that and not ache and hurt after doing it 6-7 times every 2-3 days if u have a v. Sighs   reply
23 02,2021