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livelaughleonsk's question (6)

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does it bother anyone when someone use a foreign language as a aesthetic or in their user?? like 可爱emily, mochi, sakura...etc. unless im just really sensitive
18 06,2021
about question
about question
how could i slow down this shit hole.....ideas? trying to live my longest
12 05,2021
about question
help i read too quickly when i want to read slow for juicing that nice plot...but when i do assignments i read like a turtle, tips for reading slow??
(yes this is a weird question)
14 07,2021
about question
I voiced out how i didnt like the way the were acting recently, and they didnt reply or even leave me on SEEN because they “didnt know what to say, was busy” (weird.. cause they be posting) and so i finally hit her w the “was worried about u” and bam ghosted from texts. I cant detach for some reason even though were not close, i feel like im too obsessive... Help how do i let go ITS BEEN A MONTH
30 08,2023