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dangeeWaluruses's answer (8)

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My goodness, I love this. We got hair up, hair down, and with and without the turtleneck he's using to try to hide the bite mark   1 reply
27 12,2020
I like the second link quite a bit   reply
15 01,2021
It might've been low blood sugar, but that depends on how badly you were shaking. It would explain why it stopped after you ate the snack, especially if the snack was sugary.   reply
11 05,2021
I got level 1 and 2, but I guess level 1 was just a bit higher even though they both said high in the chart because it said I'd be hanging out in Limbo with Caesar and Aristotle. I also had moderate for level 3 and level 8, low for levels 4, 6, 7, and 9, and very low for level 5   reply
11 05,2021
Here.. I've gotta admit, my tastes are quite varied.   reply
27 02,2021
about question
I'll be buried but here   reply
31 05,2021
I'm the borderline mute, smart one with straight A's that sings and is bad at sports.   reply
17 01,2021
about lazing
I always have a bunch of stories in my want to read. Most of the time I get them from other people's lists actually. I have an ever growing now reading section, but I almost never read the new chapters. I always read new comics instead of catching up with the old ones. I don't really pay attention to the ratings all that much because I find that r......   2 reply
15 01,2021