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Fart's question page 2 (24)

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about question
16 07,2021
If I can’t answer someone forum, but other can, does that mean that person blocked me? Why would you block me tho
Anyways, tell me what have I done to be blocked by you
16 07,2021
It’s shady but oh well
05 07,2021
about question
The you ten years in the past, what warning would you give them
07 07,2021
It’s an extinction level Metroid arriving in 7 days. You have a week to do whatever the fuck you want?
What will you do?
1) wait for your time to die
2) enjoy as much as you can
3)die before that
4)will not survive the chaos that will erupt
5) (insert your actions)

I am def not gonna survive
01 07,2021