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fai's question (2)

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Recently for the past few days I’ve had this HORRIBLE migraine, and I don’t usually get any sort of headache at all so this was a literal jump scare. It was so bad I felt like my brain was being stabbed and I would be sobbing and throwing up at 3 in the fucking morning. Like it was a 10/10 level of pain and I couldn’t even sleep or move my head much. I was lying in bed for daysss, actually going insane. It’s gotten better since yesterday but i would literally rather get hit by a car than feel that again.

Anyway, I was awake and decided to put something on to help me fall asleep cuz I felt like my head was literally about to explode and I needed a distraction. Completely random movie I would never usually watch, and the girl has fucking headaches and it turns out to be fucking brain cancer or something and she dies??? Like is this a sign cuz wtf
12 09,2023