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✦ g h ø § t ✦'s answer (19)

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They do be hot doe   reply
23 08,2020
Sometimes bullying is okay   reply
23 08,2020
Dr. Pepper is just barbecue water   reply
22 08,2020
about have sex
26 08,2020
Pick me choose me energy right there   1 reply
26 08,2020
Red flag (Unless I misunderstood but get it just in case)! Get a lock who gives a fuck what he said just bc he’s old or own the house does not mean you should do what he says. Your idea of having a lock is SAFETY and him denying the safety is suspicious. Try talking to your mom about having a lock.   1 reply
23 08,2020
Go talk to a doctor   reply
23 08,2020
Go through a healing process I promise you things will get better and you will realized he’s not worthy of your time   reply
23 08,2020
YouTube (explore new things and other fandoms), read raws, translate comments for fun, tiktok, look up something to cook/bake, watch asmr, go to sleep early, read a long book, criticize yourself and do something about it, watch movies, search something random, play kids app games (I play babybus games with my baby sister and I gotta admit, the game......   1 reply
26 08,2020
I like reading Shota because I have uncle issues in the past Sometimes I like to dress as a kid and act like one and finding a old person to date idk I feel attack (misunderstood)   1 reply
19 07,2020
Idk I might just marry my friend to get extra money cause we struggling and single af   reply
31 07,2020
Music ^w^   reply
17 07,2020
Can you like not be on here please?   2 reply
23 08,2020
Well yes I have .-. I was not special in the friend group because I was quiet and didn’t have other friends and they categorized me to be a shipper and my job was to ship people and support them, they were using me I guess (this happened in 6th grade but I’m glad I cut them off) One time I wrote a romance fanfic about myself and my crush and so......   reply
23 08,2020
My brain and heart :) My brain is very aware and careful while my heart guides me and loves feeling things   reply
23 08,2020 I don’t think there are some fancy theme sorry   reply
26 08,2020
Uke bc I’m bad at being seme   reply
26 08,2020
Chūya Nakahara   reply
26 08,2020