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I-like-Fantasy's answer (4)

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sounds fun, I would totally go if I had the time(if I can remember), lol I remember we had this zoom meeting with our whole year there so there was like hundreds of people   reply
14 05,2021
Nothing ╥﹏╥   reply
18 11,2020
Well when I did have friends they knew I liked anime but not yaoi so my awnser is no. I got one of my friends into anime but I no longer have friends, they are just people I talk to that are from school, my life only starts once I am home at night reading yaoi. Please tell me if u have read "Ao ao waiting to be eaten (caught)" Ryan and Ao Ao are so......   reply
26 11,2020
Hahaha I have a lov....... like hate relationship, you see I find my older brother annoying because hes always mean to me, rarely do we have a peaceful interaction, it always ends with someone angry, he calls me annoying and everything but hes the annoying one saying that when I try to retaliate im trying to be/act smart, then there's my older sist......   1 reply
08 05,2021