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lexa's answer (3)

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about question
That they really couldn't stand each other. I started realizing this when I was around 19. I can VIVIDLY remember instances where my mom would look at my dad with such disgust and hate it was made me so uncomfortable and sad. I saw my parents as two people in a loveless marriage who honestly just got sick of each other as time went on. I would some......   1 reply
28 11,2020
I've always preferred mangas. My main reason for this is the artwork/art style. No offense to some manhwas/manhuas out there, but (just my opinion) I think when it comes to what genre is it like for example, action/adventure/fantasy, the artwork tends to be far superior in mangas than in manhwas/manhuas. For (most) mangas, the artwork is more detai......   reply
27 12,2020
I don't use discord often but I joined! (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
28 11,2020