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TheKoolAidKid's answer page 2 (31)

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This is the closest I can do it doesn’t really look like me but I tried my best :D   reply
18 02,2021
about stalking
I don’t know It just sounds like mr.krabs/shrek when I read something   1 reply
20 10,2020
Um probably procrastinating or having weird condensations with people who don’t exist They’re usually nice but sometimes they don’t answer :(   reply
15 02,2021
Tee-hee   reply
04 02,2021
I’m dumb as fuk Hhffujxgfsytfyfcgrstrrxhfcyrseaytdthxgrcvjhgjhhrstr   reply
28 08,2020
I guess just enjoy my life I’m kinda a coward so I back out of things that could’ve been really cool! But I’ll probably never get a chance to do those things ever again so I’m just going to enjoy as much as I can and do whatever I can (that I enjoy of course)!   reply
04 02,2021
Ah um I had one they always talked behind my back( but sometimes they would make it obvious) They always got upset when I hung out with other people, and made my other friends(also their friends) to scold me and make me guilty for “leaving them behind” But it was totally fine when they left me behind to be with their other friends It became ......   reply
06 02,2021
No   reply
04 02,2021
Hello! Something came up so I couldn’t make the groupchat But if not later today, by Friday I’ll make the group chat (: ~kool   reply
01 03,2021
I don’t know but it sounds interesting   reply
05 09,2020