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FujoQueen's answer (14)

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Lol, I was trying to get Mirai of Kyoukai No Kanata (she's all I've been thinking off while answering the quiz). And nevermind the Husbando quiz, there's no taking me with the questions. I tried it 3x but didn't get anyone's under my husbado lists. I don't know how I get the parents but I feel like if they're actually my real parents, it would ma......   reply
25 01,2021
Eversince I was a kid, I always have thought that I'm normal and I have the most mediocre life. All the people around me is just like that. I live in the province, the life is not poor but not very fancy as well. Everyone is okay with their lives. They argue and fight, the only most frightening thing to happen is when their child get an early pregn......   reply
10 05,2021
I'll say this, What's in fiction stays in fiction. And I don't think that's being hypocrite. That's entirely the creator's intention and most people just got along with it. If they want us to be sad, then it's sad, if they let it pass then let it pass. It's not just in "rape and BL" that's the case in most stories. And I'm just gonna add for thi......   reply
18 07,2021
Hahaha, so the guy is been the 1st most desirable man for five years then suddenly a rookie stole his spot and also became the main lead role to a new movie while he's the supporting character. This rookie asked him to have a drink with him and ask for his advice as a senior in the industry. Then, all sorts of trouble happen. He got wasted and eve......   3 reply
24 02,2021
Don't know. I don't honestly hide it, if someone ask me I'll blurted it out. My girl cousins all knew it.   reply
24 02,2021
Haha. I accidentally have my Mom peek on my phone while I'm searching for what I have to show to her (which is on my phone). Then, I just realized when I unlock my phone that my wallpaper is two boys hugging each other intimately. I just cool it off but I'm really thinking what my Mom thinks of me now. Lol, so disastrous.   reply
26 10,2020
So, I'm a pretty open minded person. I always talk about lewd shit without being embarassed. I'm your type of classmate that will be the source of porn in classroom. I don't mind shit about porn because I don't really got (boner) for boys but I'm a girl. You could say I prefer hentai over real people. Then one day, I got tired of it. I watch horror......   reply
24 02,2021
There's no reason not to like what is good...   reply
24 02,2021
I'm sorry it's 2:00 in the morning and I haven't sleep a blink and then you got me answered this and I'm EXTREMELY bad with numbers (when I though it was just for fun when things getting harder--I messed it up). Yes, let's not think about numbers, my head literally hurt, huhuhu   reply
25 01,2021
about question
24 04,2021
Lol, I didn't know Fujoshis have this much concern. Oh well, I'm turn off with ugly artstyle or those "I could draw better" mangas. I'm not picky with story but finding gorgeous artstyle is rare. And I didn't know how anyone end up being a "comic reader" being picky of this and that. I mean, I'm an otaku and people find them strange because of exac......   reply
24 04,2021
I can't believe I was born in 1972 hahhha, I wonder if it's trying to make fun of me or not. Btw, I'm still 18-- the questions even if it's not now it would not change anything. I've been like that for long as I can's personatlity.   reply
25 01,2021
Lol, I've never been attracted to anyone. Though I get shy and my heart went doki doki easily whenever someone look closely to me. (I don't know). I don't want to be Asexual T___T   2 reply
25 01,2021
Honestly, I didn't think comics would affect me in anyways. Until I've gone with a BL manga, at first I thought it was gonna be lame but when I read Dakaretai Otoko Ichii ni Odosereteimasu, I WAS TOTALLY SMITTEN! That's the first time that my non existential d*ck got a boner. I was like "Oh no, this is so hot''. I've never dream of making my own co......   reply
26 10,2020
ARCHITECTURE. INTJ-A / INTJ-T, I did take this test on my 12th Grade, it's just like a year ago. I no longer remember what's my personality type then but I'm more honest than I am before. Before, I just try to feel myself about the question. But now, I try to look back to my past actions, words and what I really felt at that time. I'm being more se......   reply
25 01,2021