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laura.69420's answer (4)

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laura.69420 08 09,2020
Sawagashiiiii hibi ni waraenai kimi ni omoitsuku kagiri mabushii asu wo   1 reply
08 09,2020
laura.69420 01 03,2021
I just saw a post about how they used to eat orange peels with milk lmfaoooooo the comments were priceless   reply
01 03,2021
I tried   reply
06 03,2021
about question
Tbh that's my main criteria for anime, manga, and manhwa. If the characters are ugly I can't pay attention I dont even mind if the story is ass. I don't mind generic stuff but lately the manhwas barely have any variety especially shoujo like yay lets ruin an entire genre cuz I can't be original.   reply
28 days