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pigglypoof's answer page 2 (107)

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about question
MADK. I love it so much. Fair warning to people interested, there's gore, vore, and rape. Read at your own discretion. *Edit: I completely missed the manhwa part of your question. MADK is a manga. My bad lol   4 reply
28 11,2023
about question
Knowledge is literally a few clicks away and yall choose to stay ignorant.   reply
29 03,2024
about question
The younger version of the emperor from "I didn't mean to seduce the male lead". Current emperor: Young emperor: He's beautiful   3 reply
21 days
about question
Manga is superior when it comes to linework, tones, and values. Because manga has been around for so long and is limited to b/w, you're more likely to find unique and interesting artstyles where mangaka play around with textures and linework. The only big con is that manga can be hard to find or purchase. Without translators and uploaders, some gre......   2 reply
09 12,2023
about question
A gay man was asking gay men for recommendations. It's not so serious that we needed a whole new rant post about it.   1 reply
23 03,2024
Congrats. Have some ridiculously large yaoi titties to commemorate your return to society   3 reply
17 12,2023
about question
Noblesse. It was funny and interesting in the beginning. But it became more and more clear that the author had no idea what he was doing. He started cycling through the same things over and over again. Even though it was so long, there were still many loose ends and forgotten plot points. Super disappointing.   2 reply
12 11,2023
We see this type of question so often here. Like where are yall meeting these weird ass people so often? The majority of people have the same opinion as you that it's weird af to treat real people like characters in a story. The majority of people do not support fetishizing real people.   2 reply
29 03,2024
about question
Freshwater aquariums and paludariums! I aspire to have a lush planted tank with lots of beautiful fish and shrimp! Inspo pics: Fish that I desperately want: Pseudomugil gertrudae Pearl Gourami Pygmy corydoras Gardneri Killifish Congo Tetras Bonus! Crowd favorite: Cherry shrimp! People loved seeing these little guys in my tank.......   reply
16 12,2023
about lmao
This is for Beloved Rose since I can no longer respond to their pitiful reply: I literally did not care about what stupid "war" y'all had on the Jinx page, until your friend TM pm'ed me claiming that he was misunderstood and taken out of context. So I went through all of your comments for context and NONE of y'all are saints. Your comments are pu......   5 reply
15 10,2023
about question
Make a block button that actually blocks people. If I'm blocking someone, I do not want to see ANYTHING from them and they better not see anything of mine either!   reply
19 10,2023
about question
Can't relate. I actually think most bottoms are better looking. Wolf in the House Perfect Buddy Our Sunny Days Guiding Hazard Here U Are Rix Vanus Little Mushroom Distorted Soul   3 reply
08 04,2024
about question
Can we just talk about Alien Stage and why Ivan is the fucking best?   6 reply
07 04,2024
Umesaki and Momo from Fangs Hyuna from Alien Stage Roxana from The Way to Protect the Female Lead's Older Brother Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus Nana Osaki from Nana Galatea and Mirai from Claymore Yuuko from Xxxholic Might add more later~   1 reply
23 days
about question This shit right here. I have never been so mad at an ending. So much potential. So much disappointment.   1 reply
03 11,2023
about draw yaoi
Our Sunny Days is also one I thought I wouldn't like. The art style put me off, but I'm so happy I gave it a chance! Holy shit it's so good! So sweet and wholesome. The main characters feel so genuine and different from what we're used to seeing from "yaoi" manhwa. I don't think I've had a fluff manhwa become a fast favorite in a long time!   3 reply
15 11,2023
I love playful mcs who appear silly but are actually really smart and powerful. Basically Wei Wuxian is my ideal mc lol   2 reply
01 04,2024
about question
I appreciate what you're trying to say but I do feel like this is a very biased take. Rape culture is not more acceptable in Japan and Korea than in the West. One look at a porn site will tell you that noncon porn is EXTREMELY popular in the west. One of the first points you'll see from an anti-porn activist is that porn is violent and full of ques......   3 reply
04 04,2024
about question
Blue raspberry Followed by strawberry, cherry, mango, and lemon. My least favorite is banana. If you like artificial banana flavored candy, your tastebuds are dead.   1 reply
04 05,2024
about question
14 days
I'm not trying to dissuade you from keeping the cat, but have you considered all these things: Will you be able to buy cat food and take it to the vet? Or are you depending on your family to help with that? Because the cat is a stray, at minimum, it will need vaccinations, deworming, and spay/neuter. If the cat gets sick, vet costs can get expens......   2 reply
14 days