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pigglypoof's answer page 3 (107)

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about question
It's kinda weird that your first thought after finishing a story was "where's the sex". Think about it. You're so used to sex in everything you read that 5 chapters without sex was jarring enough for you to comment about it. I'm not saying you are addicted to porn, but it is worrying if you can't enjoy a story if it doesn't have lots of smut.   1 reply
2 days
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Origin of Species. I don't think I'll ever read it. Ones I almost didn't read because of the art: Our Sunny days, Shutline (both turned out to be pretty good) Ones I read for the art but dropped because of the story: Stigma (Doo Down), Biting the Tiger   2 reply
24 days
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I have the perfect manga for this! This is a man who loves the ladies: This is his cop buddy who says they will be best friends forever: Cop friend is always talking about how he wants to marry a pretty lady but look at these: Bonus pics: This manga is full of bl fanservice. But recent chapters......   3 reply
05 03,2024
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If you want to feel like the world is unfair, read this one. Always makes me cry. A suicidal woman befriends a man on death row.   3 reply
10 12,2023
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Skip beat?   1 reply
08 11,2023
These are all pretty popular so there's a high chance you've already read them. Akatsuki no Yona Akagami no shirayuki Emperor and the female knight Under the oak tree It looks like I've fallen into the world of a reverse harem game   2 reply
28 04,2024
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I wear pretty basic makeup for most things but I love creative, artistic, editorial-esque makeup looks. Graphic liner. Bold colors. Glitter. Abstract shapes. Basically art on the face is what I like.   2 reply
12 03,2024
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I love cute families and close parent-child bonds. Whether it's biological or adopted doesn't matter to me. Just give me teeth-rotting sweet families! Love is an illusion Hosik's story Kashikomarimashita Destiny Petite Mignon Tadaima, Okaeri Yuri!!! on Ice dj: Rinya no Natsuyasumi NOT OMEGAVERSE: Mauri to Ryuu Kazoku Ni Narouyo Kozure Ooka......   1 reply
12 days
This was many years ago so I don't have ss, but a girl started up a thread asking if any other religious people read yaoi and feel guilty. A girl responded that she was a devout Muslim who liked bl. But according to her that was ok because she didn't support gay people irl and bl was "cute".   2 reply
07 01,2024
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You're probably thinking of this one. Warning: minor prostituting themselves Spoiler: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The guy actually does have teeth.   2 reply
02 03,2024
19 02,2024
Feels weird to like your own responses. It's like trying to suck your own dick. I can't bring myself to do it.   3 reply
19 02,2024
I feel like this one needs more views. Pls watch it! I love them so much.   1 reply
17 04,2024
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Sorry. I couldn't resist.   2 reply
06 03,2024
Girliepop. Bookmarks are private. You can also private things in your reading lists.   1 reply
26 days
Yes. (▰˘◡˘▰) Alternate so you get the best of both worlds.   1 reply
5 days
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Congrats!   reply
2 days
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There are so many, but these are the ones I can remember right now: Fathoms of Atonement This is the cover art and the thumbnail! (On webt**n, mgg won't let me link) The Bride of God   1 reply
16 01,2024
about question
Hongdo, the illegitimate son of a great general, abandons his post as a powerful exorcist. As he searches for the mysterious Crow, he encounters trouble from both humans and supernatural beings. The artstyle is cool and unique. The mc is fun. The storyline is coherent and interesting with references to many different myths and mythological creatur......   1 reply
26 02,2024
I don't put much weight on the label fujoshi. Some people seem to use it as a general label for a girl/woman who likes BL, so I'd rather not assume that everyone who considers themself a fujo is a crazy woman salivating at toxic gay sex. I think it's fine to talk about issues with the BL community, but so many of these "fujo-hate" threads on mgg j......   reply
21 03,2024
05 04,2024