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Derpsy's answer (17)

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I hate when my family talks about how useless I am. "You don't do anything all day" "When you get a job, you're gonna suck 'cause you can't do anything" "So fucking useless" "God, can't you be a little more grateful?" I do quite a bit for my family and yet it is never enough. I'm not allowed to complain or I'm being ungrateful. When I hear thin......   6 reply
08 09,2020
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Me after listening to Butter:   reply
21 05,2021
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I remember seeing this, I was like whoaaa   reply
25 05,2021
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09 06,2021
Thank god it was just titles and not fan fiction or something. I would die inside   1 reply
09 06,2021
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When I read romance, I want to see the main couple being romantic and having dates and the smut, not child-rearing. Although it is cute when they raise their siblings or if there is a time gap where they have children that is an extra chapter or something, but I don't want that as the whole story. I also feel that a lot of the omegaverses treat o......   reply
16 days
That is so f*cking cringe. I would tell them it is none of their damn business and to fuck off.   1 reply
15 07,2021
03 05,2021
Clinginess? Idk, I haven't been in a relationship, but I would like someone who always thinks of me first and would give up plans to make time for me. I guess I just want to be someone's first and I wouldn't mind if they texted a lot or wanted affection because then I know they love me. Clingy but not too possessive where I can't even talk to other......   reply
03 05,2021
I don't know if this counts, but when I was 7, I went on vacation with my mom's side of the family. My cousin and I were playing in a room by ourselves. He took off his pants and told me to take mine off. He wanted to see my vagina and he wanted to show me his penis. I remember being too frightened of being caught and said no, while looking out the......   reply
09 01,2021
This happened the other day when my grandma told me to change out of my baggy Superman shirt into something more feminine so that I "Looked like a girl" Like, wtf do I care if someone sees me as a women or not? I changed into a tye-dye shirt with pastel colors instead. -_-   reply
02 05,2021
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I like kpop and stuff, but I think that people who make it their whole lives need a little help. It can be really unhealthy to be so obsessed with another person's life.   reply
27 05,2021
I would be isekaied into demon slayer because other than a few demons, the rest of the population was just normal people who live normal lives, so I can just integrate with them and see what the past was like in Japan. Also, if I live until the ending, (spoilers!!) the world will be peaceful and I won't have to live in fear of demons. I wouldn't be......   reply
22 02,2021
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25 04,2021
25 04,2021
I'm demisexual/demiromantic. I'm depressed and have suicidal thoughts some times.   reply
18 05,2021
21 01,2021
I do want kids in the far future, maybe. But I'm also terrified of giving birth and dealing with all that pain and a worn-out body. I can't say that I'll be a good parent because I'm not used to dealing with kids and I don't particularly like them. however, I've heard that once you have a kid you'll love them so much, so I guess that's my reason. I......   reply
21 01,2021